

電話起底Bonnie Beanty


檢舉電話 ea


  1. Bonnie Beanty (美容瘦身)
  2. Emma Beauty (無聽)
  3. Emma Beauty (無聽)
  4. Hello Kitty green tea cake for 10 people (無聽)
  5. cheating (提高警覺)
  6. AE marketing team (提高警覺)
    唔知點解可以叫我個名,但係我冇apply for 任何marketing team,問要仲要唔要個offer。
  7. BEA (財務借貸)
  8. Jeannine Helms (政府機構)
    Hi, I am a senior web developer, highly skilled and with 10+ years of collective web design and development experience, I work in one of the best web development company. My hourly rate is $8 My expertise includes: Website design - custom mockups and template designs Website design and development - theme development, backend customisation Responsive website - on all screen sizes and devices Plugins and Extensions Development Website speed optimisation and SEO on-page optimisation Website security Website migration, support and maintenance If you have a question or requirement to discuss, I would love to help and further discuss it. Please email me at [email protected] Regards, Sachin [email protected]
  9. Clover Beauty and Hair (會籍消費)
  10. Easycash (無聽)
  11. Modern Creative (HK) LTD (其他)
  12. No one speaks (Call Missed)
  13. Beauty (美容瘦身)
  14. Finn Dailey (Real Estate)
    Hi Mate, "Traffic down, rankings down, revenue down, business down." "Just as the new broad core update is rolling out, sales vanished while traffic is way up." "We are free falling." "Yes, looks like a drop. Ad revenue record low for November.” "Big drop today. -40%." "Yeah, a very big drop today. Seems like Google wants to ensure that they don’t lose any piece of the Christmas shopping cake." "Anyone else seeing big changes for their sites at the moment? Traffic for our Indonesian speaking main site is down by nearly 50%" Well, Google, hit you hard again, didn’t it? If the above SEO chatter regarding the November 2024 Core Update hits a little too close to home then know this… We stand by you. We stand by you like always and are happy to report that we have massacred the Update of Google November 2024 Core Update. As soon as the update hit the web, me and my team hit the SEO lab and started testing thousands of websites for various permutations and combinations. AND THE RESULTS ARE ASTOUNDING! We are happy to share the fruits of labour with you so your money site doesn’t have to labour for revenue this Black Friday. Come, take a bite at it. Contact me at [email protected] Sam [email protected]
  15. Charles Bearden (Non-profit organization)
    Let Us Take a Few Things Off Your Plate (Plus Black Friday Savings) Unlike your current host, Best Website goes above and beyond to support your business by including valuable extras as part of our fully managed WordPress hosting service, such as daily maintenance, plugin updates, security monitoring and unlimited technical support. Sign up now for our industry-leading services and save 20% on 12 months of hosting with our special Black Friday pricing!
  17. Jacob Whiteeagle (Non-profit organization)
    Hi friend, I need your help with a problem I'm having with a young girl. She's accusing me of disrespecting her, and unfortunately, it's true. I made a mistake, but I really need your help to resolve this situation. Can you please help me? I'm willing to pay for your assistance. Please call me back as soon as possible at: My whatsapp number: +17852192072 My phone: +16057866458 My email: [email protected] Thanks, Jacob
  18. Your fear (Call Missed)
    I see you
  19. Snowflake Beauty (美容瘦身)
    LEE Ka Wing,ig/threads:ka_wwing._ 使用社交軟件拉人頭,喺omi tinder約出嚟呃上去間公司做facial
  20. Sal Lease (Non-profit organization)
    My name is James Broderick, and I am an attorney at Broderick & Associates LLP based in Canada. I am reaching out to discuss matters concerning your late relative payable on death. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience at the email address provided below for more information regarding their payable on death policy. Trust me it is something worthwhile you would like to hear. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Contact me through my email to share more information with you about the payable on death. [email protected] Best regards, James Broderick
  21. (Real Estate)
    Get your free backlink analysis now! Dive into a comprehensive SEO backlink analysis today to enhance your digital strategy! Think of it as checking the roots of your online presence for stability and growth. Uncover the trust your site possesses, and transform your backlink profile into a roadmap for improved search engine rankings and boosted traffic. Spot toxic links to disavow and grab opportunities for strong link-building. This allows for multiple variations of the message while maintaining clarity and intent. You can unsubscribe by sending an email with subject "Unsubscribe" to [email protected] Klapparstigur 6, Stanton, CA, US
  22. Mineral Boutique (Beauty slimming)
    Mineral Boutique is known to force elderly shoppers to buy expensive products
  23. Mineral Boutique (Beauty slimming)
    Mineral Boutique is a black sheep in Singapore skincare industry. There are reports about Mineral Boutique's salesgirls touting outside their shops and pressuring old elderly passerby shoppers into buying expensive skincare products.
  24. Mineral Boutique (Beauty slimming)
    Mineral Boutique is a black sheep in Singapore skincare industry. There are reports about Mineral Boutique's salesgirls touting outside their shops and pressuring old elderly passerby shoppers into buying expensive skincare products.
  25. 冒認BEA (無聽)
  26. lol.easyrank (會籍消費)
    詐騙LOL黑店!完全冇菁英實力 怨天怨地話唔係佢地打手GA問題 話個帳唔正常排到咁既人所以狂輸 拖到你補錢唔補就一直拖
  27. earnest partners (其他)
  28. Pretty Beauty (美容瘦身)
  29. Hsac (Beauty slimming)
  30. BEAUSKIN Medical (美容瘦身)

檢舉電話號碼「ea」提醒更多人 檢舉電話


  1. 渣打 (不詳)
  2. 招聘線上推廣 (提高警覺)
  3. 匯豐 (財務借貸)
  4. 大眾 (不詳)
  5. 美容 (美容瘦身)
    交友APP 扮溝仔 SELL美容
  6. 美容瘦身 (美容瘦身)
  7. BOC (金融投資)
  8. 落馬洲港鐵站支線邊境警察報案中心 LOK MA CHAU FRONTIER CLOSED AREA (不詳)
  9. wechat (無聽)
  10. 又話係愛沙資訊 (不詳)
  11. 香港入境處 (提高警覺)
  12. 恆生銀行 (財務借貸)
  13. 問卷調查 (銀行投資)
  14. 衞生署 (提高警覺)
  15. 不明 (提高警覺)
  16. 詐騙 (提高警覺)
  17. 聲稱香港郵政局 ()
  18. 追數公司 (財務借貸)
  19. Smartone (不詳)
  20. 至尊 (不詳)
  21. 家人 (不詳)
  22. 大衆財務 (財務借貸)
  23. 順豐速運店取到件通知 (不詳)
  24. 、冒牌,電訊公司 (不詳)
  25. 香港寛貧 (電訊廣播)
  26. 教育 (教育)
  27. 地產經紀 (不詳)
  28. 入境事務處 (提高警覺)
  29. 星展銀行 (財務借貸)
  30. real estate in china (不詳)


檢舉電話號碼「ea」提醒更多人 檢舉電話

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騙徒會利用「高薪厚職」、「無需經驗」、「彈性工作」等字眼作招徠,透過社交媒體發放招聘廣告, 聲稱只要在購物網站將貨品放入購物車截圖,然後將截圖發給騙徒,再將購物金額轉賬到騙徒提供的個人銀行賬戶,就可以賺取佣金並獲退回購物金額。在起初的交易,騙徒會兌現承諾 …「刷單賺佣」只係騙徒蒙蔽無知求職者的伎倆。最後,騙徒會指示受害人執行大額刷單任務,當受害人墊支大筆購物款項後,騙徒便逃之夭夭…各位想不勞而獲的求職人士,想揾快錢?小心自己中伏都唔知!


在交友感情網戀騙案中,騙徒透過*社交媒體軟件,扮成俊男美女結識受害人,然後對受害人噓寒問暖。與受害人發展成網上情侣後,騙徒會以不同藉口向受害人苛索金錢,例如送名貴禮物給受害人但需要繳交關稅;家人身患絕症需要醫藥費;自己出現財務危機急需現金週轉…所有甜言蜜語及藉口都只係騙徒令你墮入網戀騙局的伎倆,千萬不要相信!否則你的下場會如以上片段主角一樣,「妄戀一個騙徒,賠上一生積蓄」! *社交軟件:Whatsapp, Tinder, Line, IG instagram, FB facebook等等...




  • 搵豬:騙徒在社交平台、約會軟件等以「高富帥」或「白富美」的身分尋找目標,並投其所好,迅速建立曖昧或網戀關係。
  • 養豬:誘騙受害人在虛假投資平台/下載假軟件進行投資,例如買賣證券、外匯或虛擬資產。騙徒起初會讓受害人賺取少許回報,以吸引對方進行大額投資。
  • 殺豬:當受害人投入大額資金,帳面獲利甚豐,欲套現離場時,平台「客戶服務員」便會以各不同藉口拖延,並誘騙受害人再投放資金。受害人最終蒙受巨額損失。






假網站的網址一般不能在搜尋器找到;假app 也不會在官方軟件商店上架,只能透過非官方途徑下載。假平台顯示的股票或商品價格、用戶的資產組合等均為偽造。當受害人想套現獲利,「假客服」會以不同藉口拖延,例如戶口被凍結,投資涉及違規操作需交罰款,或者充值到某金額才可套現等,誘騙受害人再投放資金。受害人最終蒙受巨額損失。



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