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I invited to you having an interview tomorrow 27/4 4:15 p.m.
(Your interview can't arranged another time, no changing can be occur.)
Your interviewer content details below :
When you arrived company, please call the number given to you above.
Interview Location:
紅磡環海街11號海名軒office Tower 6樓
Interviewer: 周生
Information to bring :
Your lovely resume
And your certificate
More information of our company :
Our company is a fast-growing Human Resources platform with customized service, cutting-edge matching technology and a large pool of qualified candidates. We provide better access to invite more applicants to your vacancies, pre-interview and screen quality candidates by senior recruitment experts and various services (e.g. Video Resume, Continuing Education) according to your needs.
Have a nice day. Hopefully your job application will be success.