Mineral Boutique is a black sheep in Singapore skincare industry. There are reports about Mineral Boutique's salesgirls touting outside their shops and pressuring old elderly passerby shoppers into buying expensive skincare products.
在網絡上尋狗。騙徒打電話聲稱失狗在家人家中。不過想要番少少錢作為照顧費,不過唔肯比照片做證明,俾咗身分證相片作擔保,然後不停催促俾錢過數,不過最後證實所有相片都係網絡上copy出嚟,係詐騙電話。Missing dog. Caller call and claims the dog is with him and request for money to get back the dog. All the photo proof and ID number proof is fake. It is a deception.
Hey hey!
It's been some time since we last communicated, but I came across something online about junk-call.com and thought it important to reach out.
It seems like there's some negative press that could be potentially damaging.
Knowing how easily stories can get out of hand and wishing not you to be caught off guard, I decided to warn you.
Here's where I found the info:
I hope it's all a simple confusion, but I thought it best you should know!
All the best to you,